Redeeming Grace

Smith, Jill Eileen. Redeeming Grace: Ruth’s Story- Daughters of the Promised Land series- Book 3. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell Publishing. 2017.

Following the Old Testament story of Ruth, Boaz and Naomi, Redeeming Grace beautifully depicts the loss, grief, longing and hardship associated with Ruth’s story yet also the redemption, love and fulfillment ultimately experienced. Filling in fictionally the missing parts of the Biblical story, author Jill Eileen Smith, through apparent research, stays true to the story’s time in history. As the story unravels, redeeming grace identifies Ruth through her actions while she also receives it…

So timely for me to read Redeeming Grace; I had recently heard a sermon regarding relationships with Ruth and Naomi as examples. Already knowing the story, it was interesting to have the pieces filled in even if only fictionally. Staying true to the time period of culture, customs and ways of life, this story seemed to flow smoothly. My favorite of the series thus far, I look forward to more in the series as well as by this author. Perfect for a women’s Bible study, group ministry or sermon series, I will return to this story again while sharing it with others, too.

4.5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of Redeeming Grace from Revell Publishing for my honest review*

The Crimson Cord

Smith, Jill Eileen. The Crimson Cord: Rahab’s Story-Daughters of the Promised Land. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell Publishing. 2015.

rahabLiving a hard, abusive life, Rahab, wife of Gamal, finds herself sold into prostitution to repay her husband’s gambling debt while also sparing her family. Depressed without hope, Rahab takes a leap of faith with God, whom she does not yet know, and finally escapes outside of Jericho’s guarded walls. Will her faith in God allow her to regain her self-respect, find love and live contently?

Though biblical, Rahab’s story of redemption was creatively told with fictional fillings. Split into two parts, her entrapment and escape were told. While the beginning section was fluid, the second half seemed jumbled and perhaps a bit flat. Enough detail was included to conger strong emotional feelings for Rahab yet not in a graphic manner throughout the book. With several styles of this story told, it was interesting to read Jill Eileen Smith’s version.  The cover art did justice to the beauty of Rahab.

3.5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of The Crimson Cord from Revell Publishing for my honest review*