The Princess Within- For Teens

Jakes, Serita Ann. The Princess Within (For Teens): Discovering Your Royal Inheritance. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers. 2014.

princessBased on the fairytale Cinderella, preteen and teenage girls are invited to get ready for the ball. Included in each section is an “Ella” story, music playlist of uplifting songs, a brief self-survey on different topics, a relevant Bible story/ verses, a brief author’s narrative of her life, encouragement to turn to God for direction, and a chance to consider your own story as it relates to the chapter’s topics. Great tool as a Bible study for teens.

Such a wonderful premise…relating to a Disney princess yet being something so much bigger, a daughter of the King! This book followed the theme flawlessly with some good ideas; the music playlist was actually a fantastic addition! Targeted for preteen and early teen audiences, this book is very up-front on many issues, not skirting them nor merely alluding to them…even going so far as to tackle some of life’s tougher obstacles (addictions, relationships, self-esteem, etc). The Princess Within For Teens appears to be a teen version of the book,The Princess Within: Restoring the Soul of a Woman, by the same author.

4.5 (out of 5) pennies

*I received a complimentary copy of The Princess Within-For Teens from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review*

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